März 05, 2006

First contact with my host family

My "Cambridge adventure" is coming very close and finally I have some detailed information!
I got an e-mail from the language organisation on Friday with my host family's name, address and phone number and of course I wanted to get in touch with them as soon as possible... My curiosity was already killing me!!! So I plucked up all my courage and tried to call them Friday evening but nobody answered the phone - next try yesterday around lunch time, same result... I already began to wonder what kind of people they might be but today I was lucky and someone picked up the phone: I was so nervous and had the impression to have forgotten all my English - therefore felt like a complete idiot! - but my future "host mother" was very nice and obviously didn't mind that I had to ask twice because I didn't understand everything in her very british accent... Although we didn't talk for a long time I found out something that sounds like a lot of fun: this woman has two own "kids" - or whatever you want to call them: they are 20 and 22 years old!!! Unfortunately I don't know yet whether they're boys or girls but actually it doesn't really matter - this is just perfect! I mean, if anyone could tell me about the coolest places in Cambridge, about where to go or what not to do, it's people of that age!!
Maybe I'm lucky for once? :)
I'll keep you all updated as soon as I know more about them - I got my host mother's e-mail address and I'm definitely going to make use of it for further questions!


Anonymous Anonym said...

oh! sabin forced my to write a comment! okay i'll try it.
but i've no idea of what i can write... and i can also not write english very good. i hope it's not impossible to understand :)
oh yes! i can use HTML-tags! nice! :)

Anonymous Anonym said...

Wow, U do it in english?!Good job!!!
Well, I'm glad U created a blog 'cause it's a good way to have contact with U while U'll overthere:)

Well, I'm looking forward to read your blog in the next few month!!

Luv ya girl!!!

Blogger Sabin said...

to everyone who's already gotten upset - I almost had to write it all in English because of my cousins in America! Yes, guys, it's all because of you! ;) I hope you appreciate it! ;) just kidding...

Anonymous Anonym said...

Oh my good god!
sabin, i'm so excited! i'm piepsing all the time...cambridge is coming and you gonna have brothers/sisters. perhaps one of them (in the case that there is one male) will be your prince charming! who knows =))))
kiss'n'piieps, isa

ps: will answer soon your email of today! thanks by the way =)

Blogger Sabin said...

Isa, in case you're right, I'll definitely let you know! ;) But on the other hand- what good is a relationship between Switzerland and England??? We'll see! :)


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