März 07, 2006


There are so many things running through my mind, I don't really know what to write down now... I'm sitting in the office again, don't have anything to do and since no one pays any attention to me, why not feed my blog in the meantime!

The weather has been playing tricks on me all day long - in the morning it was freezing cold when I was waiting for bus and train, but then it seemed to be beautiful weather - everytime I looked out of the office window I could see sunshine and even some blue sky and I got all excited about it finally being "spring"... but when I went out to buy lunch, it was snowing again! Unbelievable, but that's what my life has been like lately... do you need proof? Right now the sun is shining brightly outside again! I bet it will be snowing as soon as I leave the office to go home! ;)

I know this blog should be all about Cambridge, but there are so many other projects that I keep thinking about, not caring whether they're realistic or not... I'm preparing for my driving license test (is this how you call it?) which I'm taking on Friday, march 17th - wish me luck, I need it! Last week I had really planned to go driving with my mum because we both didn't have to work but then I was ill for 5 days and when I finally felt like driving again this **** snow started falling - as I said, Murphy's law! If there's anything that could go wrong, it will.... Let's hope this is not true for my England stay! ;)
Another project or dream or wish or whatever else you may call it is Spain... I'd still love to go to Spain some time this year, as a preparation for my university studies but also to get to know another "culture" (I know it's still Europe and many things are the same but still... you know what I mean!) and hopefully also some new people! On the other hand I'm somewhat reluctant about planning it because I don't want to be away from home the entire summer... I don't know what to do! Can anyone recommend a great language school somewhere in Spain? I'd be soo glad about some tipps from people who've been there...

Well, that's about it for the moment - I should get going (clean out my desk drawers etc - get ready to LEAVE THIS OFFICE! ;))...