August 07, 2007

Having fun...

Since my last post, many fun things have been going on... we've gone out a few times, everytime had a whale of a time with lots of really cool people from all over the world!

We went on a Tapas tour last Wednesday (which you can see in the picture), on Thursday we went to the cinema to see "Shrek Tercero" (of course in Spanish) which was quite funny as well, on Friday we had to say goodbye to 4 of the girls on this picture, so we all went out together one last time...

Saturday, we visited Segovia and Avila on an excursion the school organised - this here is a picture of Segovia, which is a really nice city! Unfortunately, we did not have enough time to see a lot of it, because - normal when you travel in a group of 40 people - we were always waiting for someone or something and lost a lot of time that way.. I don't know if we will be able to go there once again but it would certainly be worth it. We've seen the castle which they say was the inspiration for Walt Disney's Fantasy Castle and even had a guided visit tour, took a look at the Roman aqueduct which is really impressive, and then went on to Avila, where we had about 1h to look at the ancient city walls - we were absolutely unable to do much more, because the heat was killing us, it was 39 degrees! not to mention that our guide told us that we were lucky to be in Avila that day, as the temperature there was about 5-10 degrees lower than in the rest of Spain...

Well, and when we got home, we just took a shower and then went out for dinner, because it was Carolina's birthday on Sunday and we wanted to celebrate into that day. So while we were out for dinner, Mimi prepared everything in our flat and short before midnight, we had about 12 people, champagne and brownies on our balcony and sang Happy Birthday! Later on, we got to know some more spots of the Salmantian (?) night life - and believe it or not, outside one of the clubs I ran into a guy who studies with me at the University of Zürich! What a coincidence!!

On Sunday, we first had to sleep in a lot, but then took a look at some other parts of Salamanca, for instance the famous Roman Bridge and went swimming in the river (well, you can't exactly call this swimming, we walked into it until the water reached our stomach, but then went out again...). The weather is going crazy at the moment here, after the heat on Saturday, Sunday was terribly stormy and during the night, we had rain, yesterday was very hot again but today we woke up to only 13 degrees! now the sun is shining again and we're back to about 30 degrees, but that seems rather cool...

Well, that's it for now, we've just booked the hostel in Madrid for next weekend, I'll have much more to tell you all about very soon! hope you're all well, miss you guys!!! Take care!


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Sabs! I kept my promise:). Looking forward to reading more about your awesome trip, I further on wish you an unforgettable stay. Enjoy!


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