Juli 10, 2007


Wow, it's already summer (although the weather here in Zürich at the moment does not necessarily give that impression)... the first half of this year is over and I have not come round to telling you all about it! Well, I'm not going to go into details, it will have to suffice to say that my life has been crazy, but in a very good way! Those who need to know, know...! ;)

The first year at university has already come to an end and I'm glad to be able to say that I think I've chosen the right subject and am still happy with my English studies! It's not always been easy and seeing so many of my fellow students drop out in the course of time was quite frustrating - but I know that I will not lose touch with those I got to know a little better and that is what matters, right? This is also the most important aspect of it all for me: the people I've gotten to know! Of course I'm proud of my achievements and I can say that, so far, I've been rather successful with my work, but that would not mean anything to me without the great people I've met! All the girls with whom I have shared so many boring lessons (and who made them less "dauntingly and excrutiatingly tedious" by drawing things into my notebook or imagining professors stagediving....), have exchanged work and tipps and also spent a lot of free time,... , each of them has become an important part of my life.

I guess during the last two years (to be more precise, I would say ever since I finished High School), I have learnt the true meaning of the saying I've always liked: "Many people walk in and out of your life, but only the important ones leave footprints in your heart."... there were so many people around me during that time, first my classmates in High School, then the team I worked in at UBS, all the people I met in England, the roughly hundred students in my year at the English department and others I've met here or there - some of them seemed really important at the moment, but it is only much later that I am able to see who really matters and who (sadly) didn't. The footprints they left in my heart are not equally deep, but I realise that they have nothing to do with how often I see someone or how long I've been together with a person - to give just one extreme example: although I spent only 3 months in Cambridge and have never seen Olga again ever since (this is so sad, Olg, hope we can change that soon!!!), this time is always very present in my memory and it happens so often that I think something like "this reminds me of the day when we did this or that in Cambridge" or "ooooooh, that song! that's sooooo Cambridge! I want to dance!!!"...

It's funny that my best friends now - apart from the bunch of girls from university - are all people who went to the same high school as me but with whom I only got in touch much later! Now they have become my second family and I enjoy every second I spend with them, be it holidays, parties or simply a cosy get-together to exchange the latest news. We all have our very different lives, study completely different things but still we somehow have a similar attitude to life (well, almost.. ;)) and it's always great fun to meet them! Guys, I'm gonna miss you while I'm in Spain! :)


Anonymous Anonym said...

and so will we!! ;-)


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