März 10, 2006

Hi again... I'm not as enthusiastic as last time, just to tell you straight away!
well... I had a driving lesson today (hopefully one of my last!) and I don't know if I stand any chance to get my driver's licence next week - I made some stupid mistakes that simply shouldn't happen anymore...
I got an answer from my host mother... she took her time to answer all my questions which I honestly appreciate but somehow my good feeling about it all has gone... don't ask me why exactly, it's kinda weird... one thing is, you can forget the Skype thing I asked yesterday, it won't be possible since I can't use my host family's computer - I hope very much that I can check my e-mails and write this blog from the school's computers, otherwise I have a big problem!
Same thing with the phone calls... I can't use their phone, so the only solution I see at the moment will be that I buy a mobile phone card over there, give you all the number and you have to call me on it (which is very expensive for you then....)! :(

But we'll see, I'm just getting slightly nervous about it all...