August 28, 2006

America, we're coming!!!

Wow, I'm so excited, in less than 24 hours my best friend Corinna and I will be in New York!!! :) My relatives in Connecticut have invited us to stay with them for 2 weeks and of course, this offer was more than tempting... so from tomorrow on, we will be running around a big house together with two little boys and two dogs or else carrying around a one-year-old boy: my favourite baby cousin Colin!!! I visited them last October when Colin was just about 4 months old and I fell in love with him right away, he definitely is the cutest baby boy I've ever seen - you can imagine how much I'm looking forward to seeing him (and of course his entire family!!) again tomorrow! I'm sure he has "grown up" a lot in the meantime... and I wonder how well the "big boys" remember me - they were all sooo nice with me last year! No doubt they still are... ;)
Maya and Trev, if you read this now, thank you again soo much for this invitation, these are the greatest holidays we could imagine!!

I'll keep you all updated about what we're doing over there - it's strange to leave home again! In a way, two weeks seem like nothing after 3 months in Cambridge but on the other hand, hey, its AMERICA we're talking about! ;) Keep your fingers crossed that we don't get arrested at the airport because of all the chocolate we are carrying with us... :)