November 20, 2006

Too much... ;)

My teenage years are almost over: One more month to go! It's weird to think about turning twenty- somehow I'd always imagined people of that age to be all grown-up, serious, responsible - not exactly what I am like! ;) (thinking about it, however, I must say that there are plenty of people around me who are already 20 and none of them seems much older than me... ;) and I think it's good that way...).
All this reminds me a lot of Cambridge, when Olga used to say that she felt as if she had missed quite a lot while she was a teenager and that she wanted to make up for that loss during our time in England- which I think we did!!! :) (don't worry, Olg, I'm not going to post any pictures to illustrate this... ;))

The last few weeks have been rather crazy: So many new impressions, getting to know a lot of people, but also being confronted with a pressure I wasn't used to anymore... it's been a little more than I could take! And the most painful realisation was that suddenly, my free time is very much restricted again - as Corinna and I always joked about "what are we going to do when we start University, we're already all booked out with meeting friends, going shopping, going out, sleeping, doing sports etc..." - and that this little free time has to be well planned... I am getting the impression that there is not enough room in my life for all the things and all the people I want around me!!! And still, just now I seem to meet many people I haven't seen in quite a while and I realise that I would love to stay in touch with them: At a party I went to a couple of weeks ago, I ran into a girl who once went to school with me but whom I haven't seen in at least one year, but we had a great time again that evening! Last weekend I visited an old friend who had invited me to the premiere of his animated movie (see ) and I realised that I would love to see him more often... at university I've recently had some great conversations with people I had lost touch with a bit but who are suddenly a part of my life again.. it is all very confusing! My "old life" is coming back to me in several ways although I have changed and all the people around me have changed, but at the same time, there are so many new people I didn't now only one year ago - can anybody tell me how to keep track of what's going on around me??? ;) (Olga: "...and I say Hey,hey! What's going on????".... ;))

Okay, I guess I should stop before it gets even more confusing - it's late and I am still a hamster (had a wisdom tooth taken out recently...), not a good premise for literary masterpieces.... ;)


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hey 'bird; :-P

I wish I could come over to Zurich and celebrate your birthday next month! But I don't have time off by then :-(
Don't be afraid, I will come and visit you one time, you know I will :-D Maybe when you turn thirty :-P No I'm just joking around, we will see!
It's still interesting to read what you have been up to and I especially like the parts about me ;-) Reminds me of Cambridge and I'm glad you post these things!

All the best Gug!
Miss you!



Anonymous Anonym said...

Hey sabinchen mis arme huscheli!

Irgendwänn chunt alles wider besser, wirsch xeh! Schlimmer chas ja chum meh wärde...Haha es lebe der Sarkasmus (oder ischs jez doch dIronie oder dä Zynismus xi?) =) Has mal im Lexikon naglueget aber bin nöd vill schlauer worde!.. Egal, heb dini öhrli stiif, das chunt scho guet!!!



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