Dezember 27, 2006

Top 5 “most hilarious moments”

So here's the first list... These are some of the moments I'll definitely never forget - some of them are familiar to readers of this blog... and I must say, this list might not be finished - after all, we still have 3 days left of this year and according to my plans, there might well be some more hilarious moments... we'll see!

  1. Ride on a “freakin’ six-seated rikshaw” with Crispus, Fiona and Wulfie, Times Square, NY
  2. “hey, bird!”, Brighton
  3. “No, we’re not drunk…!!!”, Jelmer’s party, Cambridge
  4. Pascal’s tarot card future prediction in the “office”, Cambridge
  5. Soy Juice or Moo cow F*** milk?