August 10, 2007

More fun...

Let me give you some visualization of fun evenings in Salamanca (and a warning, it might be scary ;))...

Yesterday (I know, it was Thursday, but here there's fiesta every night, who cares if everyone has class the next morning or not...) we went out once again and as always, the first stop was the "Chupiteria". This is most likely to be the worst place here in Salamanca, full of teenagers and the perfect place to get drunk... Here you can see the choice of "Chupitos" on offer! Basically, they are similar to the shots you can get in Swiss bars as well, but here they are less strong and consist instead of pure alcohol of different flavours, actually quite delicious! ;) So here are some of my compañeros before the first Chupito:

And later on, one of the guys tried a new function on my camera and the result looks about the way I would imagine the world to look after a looooot of Chupitos ;):


Anonymous Anonym said...

Uuuuh ich glaub ich mues au mal nach salamanca... also die shots sind scho verlockend =P
he häsch scho en schöne maa troffe? intressiert mi natürli brennenst! ;D
wänn chunsch du eigetli wider hei? häsch mis sms becho??
gnüsses ganz fest und dänk chli a mich wännd am party mache bisch! besitos, isa

Anonymous Anonym said...

more fun?
und i bi nid mal debi! hoff also scho, dass mir zwe au bald wieder more fun zeme ha könnt! vermiss di!!


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