April 19, 2006

Easter, part 5: Warwick Castle

As they say, the most impressive castle in England... well, it certainly is BIG! :) We had been warned that this place was boring and after having seen Blenheim Palace this would be nothing like exciting - but the truth is, this person (not to be named now but easy to be identified after reading previous posts...;)) had not been to Warwick Castle on Easter Sunday! As most stores and cinemas throughout the country were closed that day, this must have been one of the greatest attractions for british families! There were all kinds of special activities going on, especially for kids - they could join a kids knights' army, play with people dressed up as medieval noblemen and many other things.... The castle grounds were crowded, there were enormous queues basically everywhere, in front of toilets, food stands, the entrance to the Big Hall and the Rampards - everywhere! But somehow we managed to find a back door and without intention found ourselves in the stairways leading up to one of the highest towers - giving us the opportunity to climb up there just like that! It was great fun to stand up there and look down in the courtyard and on all the people who were wasting their time queuing... ;)
We stayed up there quite long, then took a walk around the grounds, had a coffee (I drink way too much coffee here, it's too bad! ;)) and just enjoyed ourselves!
To sum up, we really did have a great time looking at the castle, chatting, laughing - this day was ANYTHING BUT BORING! :)
Sorry to everyone at home, this whole "boring"-thing has become some kind of running gag here... ;)

P.S.: I just had to write this whole post again because the internet connection destroyed it all the first time, so sorry if it doesn't make sense in some parts or if there are any typos... :)