April 10, 2006

Host family...

It's Monday again - at least this week is only 4 days! :)
So, little update on my dilemna about changing host families, not changing, staying or leaving... at the moment, I think I'll stay. Shocked? Yes, I'm surprised myself because on Friday, a change seemed to be the one and only best thing to do... But in the meantime, I've heard so many different opinions about host families, what they are supposed to do (there is no rule saying that they have to talk to you!!!), what some of them do (terrible things like giving you rules at what time of the day you are allowed to use the bathroom, making you pay if you want to take a glass of juice during the day etc...)... the point is, I realise that actually I can be happy with what I have and if I changed, the risk would be sooo big that it gets even worse! And I simply don't have the nerves to take this risk! I mean, you all know me, I'm not really good at adjusting to new situations and I'm just too afraid of what this change could mean...
Certain people have told me that I really need to grow up and that these 3 months might help me to become an "adult" person... well, maybe that's one way my life is forcing me to grow up now!

Yesterday evening I spoke to my host mother and really told her how I feel and everything (I thought, maybe she didn't "socialize" with me, because she thinks that I like to be alone in my room....), but she completely got me wrong, she even started crying because she thought I was saying that she did her job wrong as a hostmother... it took me quite a while to reassure her that this obviously was my problem, that I had apparently had too great expectations and that it wasn't her fault etc...! I guess I'll get her some Easter chocolate or something with a little card to apologize - I really felt terrible about it all! But after dinner, we even had a "real" conversation and I think it might even be good that we've discussed it and that she knows now what is going on - we still have another 10 weeks to go! No, not exactly, 10 weeks from now, I'll be at home! :)

One good thing to mention: tonight, Olga and I are going to have our first salsa lesson!!! I told you about this club Salsa, right? We went back there on Saturday and they played mostly real Salsa music and we felt like complete idiots because all the people around us were dancing "real salsa", so we decided that we had to learn it - here we go! :) I'll keep you updated!