August 30, 2006

Finally here! :)

Hi from the other side of the Atlantic! For almost 24 hours we've been in the USA now - still trying to adjust to life over here and getting rid of our jetlag!
To put it short, the journey was terrible long and rather uncomfortable (extremely old airplane and a lot of turbulences...)! At first I found it great to be flying again, I love those magical moments lost in time and space where nothing really matters, you're neither at home nor where you are heading for, you pass time zones and somehow, life stands still for a moment... But without individual screens to watch movies and play games (only one screen over the middle row of seats -not even big!) and nothing to see out of the window (for hours we were trapped in clouds so that all we saw was white; kinda scary to be honest because you lose all orientation, you have no idea where you're going, how far above ground you are, whether there's land or water underneath you - after all, it was even hard to tell what was up and down!), travelling becomes quite a drag...
When the plane finally touched ground, it had to roll to its final stop for about 25 minutes and of course we had to land in the one terminal that is being renovated at the moment, so we had to walk (as it seemed) miles before we even reached the passport control. It was all stinky from the construction work, there were no restrooms anywhere near us and all the security checks took so long - do we look like terrorists??? Next up was a seemingly never ending wait for our luggage - you can imagine how glad we were when we finally saw Fenton waiting for us!!! After finally going to the restroom, we needed a coffee and a lot of water - believe it or not, we didn't get enough to drink on the plane! They even admitted that they were running out of drinks, so we had to share a little can (3dl) of Sprite between the two before waiting for another two hours for a next sip of water...

Well, I don't want to complain, now everything is great! It is just amazing to be back here, I was so not aware of how much I'd missed them all and seeing them again after one year was just great, I really can't think of a word to express how I felt... So now we're playing with the kids, Corinna loves the dogs and it's just cosy lazy family life - but we have a lot of plans for the next two weeks, I'll keep you updated!
Colin has grown up sooo much, I could hardly believe my eyes! He's a real big boy now, running round the house, eating his lunch with a fork (well, theoretically...) and almost too heavy to be carried around all the time! ;) But definitely still as cute as ever! Not to mention his two brothers who are both soooo sweet! :) I wanna know what Trevor and Maya will be going through in about 10 years time - I bet there will be loads of girls queueing up their driveway... come on, with three boys like these????? ;)

Well, we've gotta go now, I'll talk (write) to you soon...
Love, Sabin