Oktober 31, 2006

First week at University

I have survived my first 7 days as a student!!! :) I must confess, it seems to be more work than I'd expected, but it is really interesting and my first impression of my fellow students has so far been confirmed: most of them are extremely nice! Not that I already know them that well yet, but I feel comfortable and I guess that's all that counts at the moment, isn't it?
Having passed the Fresher's Test, I don't have to take any additional classes, which is quite a relief - after all, I am determined not to make the same mistake again and life only for school...

Hmm.. it's weird- right now, I don't know what to write! There were so many new impressions and I got to know so many new things, but somehow I can't put it into words - not to mention that most of it would not be interesting to anyone who doesn't know these people or is not at our university...

Just one more thing: I know I've promised some more pictures of America, but at the moment (or for the last few weeks...) it is not working and I've gotten kicked out of the internet several times when trying to upload some images - so, sorry about that, you won't get to see anything in the near future - hope you'll survive! ;)