September 09, 2006

NYC - day 1: Met, 5th Avenue, SoHo & Chinatown

Hey again!

After three amazing days in New York, we're finally back here in our quiet, cosy "home".
Here is what we did on Wednesday, day 1 of our mission "discover NYC": Liz picked us up around 10 o'clock and took us directly to the famous Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. After spending several hours walking through this impressive collection of art, Liz dropped us off at the corner of Central Park.
From there on, we decided to explore the city on our own, strolling down 5th Avenue. This is easily the longest row of unaffordably expensive shops and boutiques we've ever seen. Starting with Tiffany's (where the famous movie with Audrey Hepburn was filmed), we walked past Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Hugo Boss, but also H&M and GAP.
Luckily for our purses, we met Michelle already one hour later and, together with her, we drove into SoHo. This area used to be a centre for artists and still has a unique atmosphere with its many little stores, coffee shops and nice restaurants. Of course we had to get a taste of SoHo and therefore, we went for a little walk before having dinner in a panasian restaurant called "Rice". Boring as we are, we went for the Thai curry once again. It was delicious!
Next and final stop of this great day was Grand Central Station where Michelle dropped us off. Taking the train instead of having somebody drive us meant a combination of necessity and pleasure - otherwise we probably wouldn't have seen this beautiful building.
Back at home, we went straight to bed in order to recharge our batteries before hitting the road to the city again the next morning...