September 12, 2006

NYC - day 3: ... dinner, Times Square, overnight stay and a whole lot of fun!

Having experienced the difficulties of driving a car in NYC on our way out of SoHo (Wuulfie twice almost hit someone who was walking across the street without paying attention to traffic...), we arrived at the appartment of Liz' parents, where we could stay overnight. We agreed that a shower or at least a drink was necessary before going out for dinner - and there was also the difficult choice to make where to go for dinner. We ploughed through several NY guidebooks, trying to find a place that would suit us all which turned out to be rather tough... The guys proposed seafood or a lot of meat whereas "Fiona" and I would have loved vegetarian or Asian food - Wuulfie ruled out the option of Asian food as "one has to drink beer or Soda there, nothing else is good with that food - but I want wine, once I have the chance to drink! :)"... After all, we found a nice little French Bistro called "Cosette" not too far from the appartment, where we had a delicious dinner. When it came to paying the bill, Crispus wanted to pay by credit card but the waiter came back regretfully to tell him that the card was not accepted - it turned out that "Crrrap - Crrrispus has a crrack in his crrredit carrrd"!...
As the two of us girls had fallen in love with the atmosphere of Times Square by night the evening before, we persuaded Wuulfie and Crispus to go there. We needed a cab and Wuulfie proved the theory that it takes a woman to make a taxi stop: he put Fiona into the lights of the cars and the first passing cab stopped! amazing... :) Arrived on Times Square, we were once again impressed by the size and number of advertisements, posters and neon lights that surrounded us, making us feel infinitesimal. We did not really have a plan for what to do but we soon came across something: As we were walking along the sidewalk, a guy stopped us and asked us if we fancied a ride on a "partybike" - crazy as we were, we decided to go for it: that's how we ended up racing once around Times Square on a "freaking six-seated rickshaw" (quote Wuulfie), I'll have to post a picture of it, it's too hard to describe what this vehicle looks like! Anyway, although we had to fear for our lives and this was definitely the craziest thing we've ever done, we had a blast and Wuulfie almost changed his opinion about bikes and similar objects in traffic (from hating them to thinking they can be fun...). Even after the ride, we could not stop laughing and I guess it is not bad that I can't post videos - they'd have to be X-rated...! :) Wuulfies conclusion of the evening was "you're all nuts...!" and there's not much more to say about it!
As already mentioned, we could stay in the appartment over night, which was great - it is situated quite centrally and was the perfect place to recharge our batteries before leaving again the next morning (after a rather short night...). Already before 8 o'clock, we were back in the car, got a cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee and drove over the Brooklyn Bridge to take a last look at the city from this side. Having taken a lot of pictures of the Big Apple and all the bridged, we were on our way home...

After these three days in New York, all I can say is that I am fascinated by this city, its variety, its contrasts, its museums and shops, its buildings and streets, the pulse of live that I feel whenever I'm there - and that this is definitely not the last time I've been there!