August 19, 2007

Back in Cyberspace

Unbelievable but true, I’ve already come to the end of week 4 – time is flying and I’m still enjoying everything here so much!
We’ve passed a wonderfully lazy weekend here in Salamanca, which I now realize was just what I had needed after 4 weeks of travelling and being active non-stop! Yesterday, Lisa, Annika and I went to the shopping mall a little outside the city, but were a little disappointed – it’s hard to imagine, but it’s true, the Spanish people are so unfriendly in stores!!! At least I didn’t buy anything and therefore didn’t add to my worries about a too heavy suitcase (I already panic now when I think about it – I will have to pay so much for excess luggage, I can see it coming…!!!). At night, we were too tired to go out (explanation follows…) and just had dinner in our flat and then watched the movie “Todo sobre mi madre” by Almodóvar.
Today, we all slept until noon and then did basically nothing until 4 o’clock. Then we realized that by then, all the museums had closed and our plans were destroyed (we had wanted to do some “cultura Salmantina” this weekend…)! Since the wind was also a little too fresh to go to the swimming pool, Annika and I decided to just go for an Ice Cream to the centre to at least leave the flat for a moment. So after enjoying sun, Ice Cream, freedom and laziness on the Plaza Mayor for a while, we went on a stroll through the old city centre, past the University (with the frog) and the Cathedrals and ended up sitting on the stairs in front of the Philology department (so on that picture you can finally see where I am hopefully going to be studying in a couple of years!), where we watched street musicians, students, a puppy dog and simply life go by on a beautiful evening in (for me) one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

So now I guess I have to apologize for not posting anything for such a long time! The thing is, it is rather hard to get to the internet, at school, we only have 7 computers, 2 don’t work and the others are occupied every break time by the same people (which really annoy me!). And at home – well…. Life here consists basically of siesta or fiesta or most of the days of both, and the little time that is left between the two (usually from about 7 to 10) is needed for homework, shower and dinner! You see, I’m busy! ;)
The last week has been a lot of fun, I’ll have to tell you all about our trip to Madrid last weekend and our little daytrip to a little village near here last Wednesday (because it was some kind of religious holiday, we had the day off school) and all the parties… but right now I have to run to get dinner ready!

I hope I’ll hear from you all soon, am beginning to miss you all! ;) And thanks for all your comments, I'll answer in a more personal way! :)