März 20, 2006

First post from Cambridge

Hi all! So here I am in Cambridge... can't really believe it yet! Yesterday was a long day, but everything went well. I almost missed the flight though... My mom brought me to the airport, where we had to queue for the check-in and then met my father and to my surprise also his wife and my grandparents. We had a coffee with them, which I really enjoyed since the conversation kept me from getting sentimental! ;) When the moment came when I had to say goodbye to my mom, it was extremely weird - I'm soo used to having her around me all the time and the two of us have never been apart for longer than a week or two.. but we'll make it! ;)The airplane was rather small and seemed rather old, and when it took off, the noise was terrible, everything seemed to be shaking and cracking, as if this thing were about to break apart.. frightening, honestly! ;)In Heathrow, I had to wait for almost 2 hours before I could take the National Express bus, so I went to the Starbucks, got myself a nice cup of coffee and sat down. There was an older man sitting at this table (it was the only free seat!) who reminded me a lot of my grandfather (yes, Aetti!) and to whom I spoke for almost 45 minutes. Like this, the time passed quite fast and at 2 pm I could board the coach and was again on my way to Cambridge. The bus ride took almost three hours and by the time I took the taxi to my host family's house, I was terribly nervous and excited...Barbara, my host mother, is very nice, and showed me round the house as soon as I had come in. My room is tiny (really, there's no other word for it!), but okay, the house is in a quiet neighbourhood and from what I've seen so far, not too far away from the city and the school. I'm still thinking about how I should handle the entire bicycle issue - there would be a possibility to rent a bike but it's ridiculously expensive and maybe I could buy one second hand and then resell it before I leave.. we'll see. Today's my first day at school, it seems very nice, the classrooms are rather small but very "cosy" and the teachers and most of all my fellow students seem very nice! I already got to know a dutch girl who lives not too far away from my host family and who's going to be in my class from now on and there are many other people who I'm looking forward to getting to know better.
Now I should get going, we have some afternoon classes "study skills" and afterwards, one of the teachers is going to show us the city centre. Tonight, there's a special party in one of the clubs for all the language students, it sounds like fun, maybe I'm going... I'll keep you all updated! :)love you all, miss you all...


Anonymous Anonym said...

my dear sabin. thanks to God that there is a thing called msn. it was so nice to talk to you this afternoon!! i still can't believe it that you're over there in cam =) but to hear that you're fine and everything is okay by the time is great!
well, for the moment there's nothing more to say than your english is so good, sabin! I should be in cam right now instead of you, because i'm a little embarrassed when i compare your english to yours...=) but never mind!!!
hope you sleep well, have a nice day tomorrow!
love you

Anonymous Anonym said...

oh, i'm sorry, hope you kmnow who i am! if not, i'm gonna kill you as soon as youre back in town! =)(just look at the last "word", it will save your life!)
*lachafall* (how do i say this in english, that's a good question, isn't it???)

Anonymous Anonym said...

oh my god. i'm sooo silly. just don't look at my orthograph(y) (it's caused by my very bad zehnfingersystem!)

Anonymous Anonym said...

oh okay. it was technical stuff... below is written that you have to wait a bit until the comment got uploaded. and i was too impatient...
=) another *pieps* from isa, who misses you a lot


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