März 17, 2006

Yes, yes, yes!!! :)

Oh my god, I can't believe it! I passed the test and have my driver's license!!! :) It's such a cool thought that I'm now (finally!) allowed to drive around all by myself and without this stupid L-sticker on the back of our car! ;)
I was soooo lucky (be it the fact that I had to start from the parking lot number 4 which is my lucky number, or maybe it's because today's St.Patrick's Day... right, Nesi?;)) :
In the beginning of the test I was terribly nervous and parking didn't go very well, but my expert was surprisingly nice and seemed to understand that this was just due to my nervosity!
So if anyone needs a lift from now on, I'm officially available as Chauffeur! ;)


Anonymous Anonym said...

oh my god! sabin, now you're gone...it's such a strange thought to know that u are many hundreds of kilometres away from here. and i'm so happy that there is a thing called blog to keep in touch! thanks blog!!! =)
so...how do you do? what is ur host-family like? nice or just terrible? i don't hope so. and what interets me the most: ur "brother"? cute, handsome? dumb, horrible? i wanna know!!
so please write as fast as you can. i'm really curious.
besides: thanks for your last mail and our photographies!
take care, i miss you
kiss, isa


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