April 03, 2006

London and Ice Age 2

Wow, week 3! Already 1/6 of my stay here is over, unbelievable!

So now, my weekend (I apologize already in advance, if this post turns out to be boring or not as well written as others - I'm terribly tired at the moment, without even knowing why! I already tried chocolate and coffee, nothing helps ;))
But I'll try my very best! ;)

Friday around lunch time, we realised that going out on a weekday (-->Ballare) was not the best idea, we were so tired! Nevertheless, we spent some time in the computer room (yes, we ARE addicted...) and then cycled to the city centre. the weather was great (meaning there was a little sunshine and no rain for the moment), we were even able to take some nice tourist pictures from the city centre!

We did not go out on Friday evening because it would have simply been too much - Saturday morning we had to get up around 6.30!!! But it was worth it! Olga and I met at 7.30 to have enough time to cycle to the police station where the coach was waiting for us. We boarded the coach together with about 60 other language students (these excursions are always organised by all the language schools together) and at about 8.20 we hit the road. There were not many students from the Embassy but it didn't matter - the three of us (Olga, Pascal and I) had quite a lot of fun!
First, we had a little city tour in our coach, which didn't include much more than just our "guide" telling us what we were driving past on our way to the more central place in London where we could get off! this central place was Haymarket and from there we walked a little bit with our guide, across Trafalgar square and then to the Buckingham palace. by then, it was about 11.30 and we had free time until 16.45. Olga had never been to Harrods, so we walked across the park (I'm not sure what it's called...) next to Buckingham Palace and straight to Harrods. Once again I have to say that this is not a Shopping Centre but much more like a museum! At least that's what it feels to me! we had exactly this discussion with Pascal, he would have spent hundreds of pounds in there if we hadn't reminded him that we wanted to see some other places before the day was over! :)
In order to save some time, we took the tube on our way back - ridiculously expensive, but at least fast! :) Pascal got off at Picadilly Circus because he was going to meet a friend of his who's in London at the moment, but Olga and I went on to Covent Garden. This was one of the best things I still had in mind from my London trip with my mum about 4 years ago and we were lucky with the weather! We sat on the terrasse of an Italian restaurant eating a sandwich and just enjoying life, it was so great! :) Then we entered the Market hall (the "apple market") where they sell about everything from silver jewellery (of course, shopposaurus was loose and I had to buy a pair of earrings) to soaps, scarves, paintings - and chocolate (as Olga delightedly noticed! ;)). Out on the street there were musicians, people performing little theatres, clowns - I just love this place, it feels so alive!!!
Then we planned our further route - we had about another 2 hours - and left Covent Garden in direction of Oxford street. On our way, we walked past a little coffee shop called Muffinski's where we had to stop of course - Olga needed her daily muffin! This is how her nickname Muffinski was born (I don't know if she would kill me if she read this now... ;) I hope not!). Oxford street somehow wasn't as exciting as I had remembered it but maybe that's because we didn't really have the time to look at everything... finally we went off Oxford street, turned to Regent street and went back to our coach through Carnaby street! :)
Well, that's already it! I know it's not much but that was everything we could fit into a few hours and it was enough to reactivate my memories of London and to make sure we come back some time in the next few weeks! ;)

Next thing: ICE AGE 2!!! No, I'm not referring to the weather here (although it is rather cold again...;)), but to our first visit to the cinema here in Cambridge! Yes, it is true, I'm not bluffing: we've already seen Ice Age 2! I know it's not even in the cinemas yet, but there was a "preview" this weekend and we were lucky and got in! And all I can say is: Get your tickets, go to the cinema and watch this as soon as you can! It's absolutely hilarious!!! :) I can only recommend it to everyone who's liked the first one, it's at least as good as that!

Well, that's it then! I'm really tired now and given the fact that I still have to cycle home before falling asleep, I'd better get going! ;)