März 31, 2006

Ballare and London!

Hi again... Thanks for your VERY philosophical comments to my last post, really made me laugh! :)
Sorry for not posting anything earlier, it's just that "nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all..." I can see now how the next few weeks will fly past in a complete daily routine... We just discussed this yesterday: it's so weird to think about the aspect of time, on one hand we were surprised how fast these first two weeks (already!!!) had gone past, but at the same time home seems to be extremely far away - yes, I guess I'm a little homesick at times... but isn't that normal? I mean, I just miss all you guys so much!
But let's talk about nicer things: Yesterday night we finally went to one of the Students' Clubs, it's rather famous and called BALLARE. First we spent one hour in a bar with some other students from our school, since the club didn't open until 9.30. At about 10 we were there, lucky to have a flyer and therefore a reduction on the entry price, but then we had to pay for the cloakroom - I am the "girl with the thousand jackets" (that's what Olga calls me) because I'm always wearing about 5 jackets over each other (yes, I definitely should have brought my winter jacket...) and yesterday I wanted to give two jackets to the cloakroom: Great, they charged me for two items and I paid 3.20 £ just for the jackets!!!! It really annoyed me... In general, life is rather expensive over here!
But to come back to our Ballare experience: when we finally got in, there were not many people and no one was dancing - this didn't change until about 11pm. By that time I was really upset, but then they started to play GREAT music, to name just a few songs: "La tortura", "A dios le pido" and "la camisa negra"... Olga and I were on the dancefloor for at least 45 minutes until we couldn't breathe anymore (it was so warm and by then really crowded)! Then we met the other girl who had come with us and obviously didn't like the place and agreed that we would leave around midnight.. Well yeah, that was it then! But Olga and I definitely will go back there again (maybe not before the weather is warm enough to leave the jackets at home though..) and then stay longer, the athmosphere was really nice once the people had started dancing!

So now, the next big thing is tomorrow: TRIP TO LONDON!!!! We had the chance to sign up for a one day excursion organised from our school and of course we were the first to run to the reception! It really is a great opportunity: we had to pay 16£ which includes the coach transfer both ways and a tour around London in the morning. The afternoon is free - we don't have any ideas what we could go and look at but I have no doubt that we will have a great time! Some of the other people we got to know a little better are also coming (Pascal, Rebecca who joined us yesterday...), I'll tell you all about in on Monday!

So... I really don't know what else to write now! It's not as exciting as in the beginning and unless you are interested in what kind of homework we have everyday and what we do in our lessons, there's not much to tell you... :(

enjoy your weekends (whatever plans you have) and I'm looking forward to hearing from you all soon!


Anonymous Anonym said...

ui du bisch znacht am drü nachem usgang no an pc? oder hani mi jez verlueget? hihi...
mis weekend isch no kuul xi; dä david hät gschribe - naja. weiss nöd öbs positiv isch oder nöd... ich verzell ders dänn im msn!!
so, ich gang jez nochli im net go surfe, bin wider mal arbetslos a däm morge (a däm SCHÖNE morge, mues no erwähnt wärde, will swätter isch - jedäfalls woni das schrib, es cha sich ja schnäll ändere - traumhaft! und mini stimmig isch au dementsprächend! es gaht mer würkli guet und ich hans gfühl, ich chan sit langem äntli wider mal richtig fröhlich sii, ohni dä chli aber fies schatte im hintergrund!)
also, bis bald, heb dini öhrli stiif. küssli, isa


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