März 27, 2006


Hi again! Here I am again, finally back in the virtual world (terrible how addicted I am, the two days without internet were rather weird...)! :)

But let's talk about nicer things: My weekend! Since my last post, so much has been going on, I don't even know where to start... best thing will be to start with Friday night: As we had planned, Olga and I went to this Thai Restaurant called "The Big Buddha" (if anyone ever goes to Cambridge, I can only recommend this place: Delicious food, nice atmosphere, friendly staff and acceptable prices!) before we went to the City Centre in order to find some nice pubs. This proved to be more difficult than we had thought, leaving us walking about the city for quite some time without finding anything appropriate... We ended up spending almost one hour in a huge bookshop that was open until 10pm! :) Then we finally found a traditional Pub called "The Eagle" which is said to be one of the best and nicest Pubs in Cambridge. It really was very nice, although it was absolutely crowded... After one drink (no, Madi I still haven't got any experience neither with Beer nor with Darts!) we left and went to another bar. The first one we went in was too loud and full so we sat down in "ta bouche". Also rather loud, but okay. So that's about how we spent our Friday evening, had some very interesting discussions, just a nice evening out.

On Saturday, we met at 1pm to go to the City Centre. The weather was BEAUTIFUL (can you believe it??), almost warm with sunshine and everything so it was rather stupid what we did: We went into a book store that had a special sale, hundred of books for only one pound each... we spent so much time going through the books and buying some! Then we checked out some of the other shops and the market in the City Centre, which was really nice. By the time we went home (around 4.30pm) the weather had completely changed and it was raining again (getting used to it...). So we went home to get rid of our shopping bags and bikes and met again at 6.30 (in the pouring rain, it was horrible!). Luckily we had made a reservation in an Italian Restaurant called "ASK", otherwise it would have been impossible to find a table! On our way to the restaurant we met a guy from our class who was out with 7 other people who had forgotten to reserve a table, so he was rather upset. We decided to "adopt" him and so he joined us for dinner. It was such a great evening, Pascal turned out to be a very funny person and we had all kinds of stupid discussions, topics including miniskirts, relationships at language schools, style (or no style) of the British and much more! After dinner we went on to a very nice Pub / Bar (another place I can really recommend to anyone who comes here) called "Rat & Parrot". We spent some time there before we went on to the "Club Salsa". Pascal decided to go home (but he won't get away without coming to a club with us some time!), so Olga and I went dancing alone. When we arrived in the club, we were literally alone, we were the first people in there and consequently felt rather stupid... But the music was great (actually they had all kinds of "Chart music around the world", but since it is the only Latino Club in Cambridge, they played quite a lot of Latin pop, like Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin etc), the place nice and at the latest around 11pm there were many people and it really was fun to dance! We stayed there until about 1.30am and then took a taxi home.

There's not much to say about yesterday, we went to the Grafton Centre, a big shopping centre a little outside the City Centre which is open on Sundays (isn't that great? There's no way to stop Shopposauruses over here! ;)). It was okay, there are some nice shops, but we didn't really buy anything except for Baskin&Robbins IceCream! :)
Yesterday was mother's day here in England, which really is a big thing for them, so my host mother was invited to dinner with her children. Before they left, she just left me a plate with my dinner, which was FANTASTIC: A green thai curry! I had already smelled that on Saturday and really regretted going out for dinner and yesterday I was defiinitely confirmed in my opinion that Barbara is an excellent cook! Just to have that said - I'm definitely not going to lose any weight because of disgusting english food! ;)

I guess that's about it... Now we're already in week 2! I keep wondering about the weird nature of time: on one hand I think that this first week has gone past very fast but at the same time I have the impression that we've already been here forever! When I spoke to my mum on the phone yesterday night I realised once more how much I miss you all, but still I enjoyed it very much!

So now, I really should get going, we've got quite some homework to do and I'd like to get some reading done tonight (I've got some interesting books now, some from the library, one from our teacher and some from the book sale on Saturday!:) But if anyone has a recommendation, I'd still appreciate it of course!)...