April 19, 2006

Rest of Easter and "real news"

Just to quickly finish off my report about Easter: Monday was another lazy day, I met Olga around lunchtime in the city centre and we enjoyed some first spring sun shine!!! Can you believe that? we were actually sitting outside with only one jacket on!!! :) No, seriously, it was just great to finally feel a little bit of spring here! Then we did the most stupid thing in this weather: we went to the cinema! :) But we had planned that and we really wanted to see this movie... it was worth it! "Take the lead" really is a great movie! Antonio Banderas plays a ballroom dance teacher who starts teaching kids at a poor highschool how to dance and in doing so teaches them manners, respect and many other values that they lack in their violence-dominated environment... it's another dance movie, the story is nothing new but it's still worth seeing it! :)
Afterwards, we went back to the city centre to spend some more time in a caffe nero. In the meantime, Olga had looked at her Tarot cards so that she could now tell me my future and answer my questions (which are not repeated here...) - it was great fun!

So, now that I've finally caught up with the time which is flying here, just some news:
- had a first "mock exam" today, just the Use of English part, was quite tough but a good exercise before the big mock exams next week (we are going to have the real exam situation with all the papers on one day etc)
- the situation with my host family is really muuuuch better, I get along very well with Barbara, I think she understood that I somehow need a little bit of a "family home" and she does her best to make me feel alright...
- on Friday, we're going to see the Saturday Night Fever musical, I'm sooo looking forward to that!!! :)

That's it, I gotta run... school and homework is back...! :)

P.S.: leaving comments is not forbidden.... I'd love to hear from you or get some feedbacks when you read it! :)


Anonymous Anonym said...


Blogger Sabin said...

ihr meined wohl SMS? ;) bin fasch chli nidisch, dass ihrs so schoen warm hend, aber da isch jetz au scho chli Fruehlig - witerhin gueti Ziit! :)


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