September 05, 2006

You gotta be a kid again!

Hi there, it's Fiona and Jessica speaking (that's what the little boys keep calling us ever since they couldn't remember the name Corinna and therefore called her Fiona - and today Sabin got a new name, too...)

Today was such a fun day!!!
We spent the whole day in an amusement park (type Europapark, just smaller) called Playland, about half an hour from New York City, together with Trevor (who's now called Fred) and his two older boys Trevi and David (since this morning Dennis and Ryan).
The roller coaster you see on this picture was our first ride and it was so much fun - most of the rides are built from wood which makes it a rather special experience!
Together with the boys we went on a Ferris wheel to get an overview of the park which is situated right next to the sea - beautiful view from up there!!! Later on we split up and went on different rides, "Fred" and "Fiona" went on this crazy rollercoaster where you don't sit but lie on your stomach (sheer madness, if you ask me - "Jess"), the two of us girls went on the *Kettelikarussell*, to put it short, we all had a whale of a time! ;)

After returning from Playland, we had about 15 minutes to get changed and ready to go, as we were to have dinner at a Spanish restaurant not too far from where we live. After all they've done for us, we wanted to invite "Fred" and Maya (for whom we don't have a fake name yet - we're glad about any suggestions for nice women's names! :)) for dinner. This place is famous for its delicious Tapas and, as we know now, just as delicious Sangria! :) Yes, we DO know that we trespassed the law by drinking alcohol and little "Ryan" even reminded of this fact: After having been scolded by his dad for not behaving appropriately and therefore not getting any dessert, he looked up at "Jessica", saying: "No dessert for you, either - you're drinking way too much!!!" Needless to say that we all burst out laughing...

For tomorrow, another biiig highlight is planned - Fenton is taking us up to Boston!!!! We'll keep you all updated...
Hugs and Kisses
"Fiona" and "Jessica" :)


Anonymous Anonym said...

hi girls, fiona and jessica!
please don't call yourself too much like thath - or you will get used to it! =)
ey did you get my email? pleeease answer it, i'd really really loved to know what you're thinking about that whole story! by the way, yesterday night, he already wrote me!! isn't that gorgeous? keep your finges crossed for that'll turne out well...=) hope so...
and: yes! i'm smiling all the time!!!
have a nice day in boston tomorrow! and yes again: i AM pretty damned jealous!
kisses and greets from zürich, isa

PS: i'm a little confused about all the new names. tell the boys to stop it! =)

Anonymous Anonym said...

ich bin eifach zschnell und vill z'ungeduldig...händer die vile fähler xe? zum glück sinds nur tippfähler, susch müessti mer dänn schön an chopf lange


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