September 01, 2006

Shopposaurus Part 1 :)

Hey again!
This time, it's me and Corinna writing together... Today was a greeeeat day (by Corinna :)), we had our first Shopposaurus excursion to the mall with Liz. After a lazy morning at home (it was Trevi's first day at school, so the house was much quieter), Liz picked us up and we spent some hours browsing through all kinds of shops - quite successfully: We bought several CDs, clothes, jewellery, cards - it was so cool that we are planning to go back there tomorrow! ;)
Oh, you haven't even heard about our first evening here: Less than one hour after we arrived here with Fenton, everybody else was coming over as well: Urs and Liz with the boys, Michelle with her boyfriend and Fenton of course stayed for dinner, too. So right after our arrival we were literally in the middle of a madhouse (not negatively!!!) with everybody talking at the same time about at least ten different subjects and even in different languages - after our horrortrip, we were simply lost and couldn't follow the conversation... no wonder we went to bed before 9 pm! Up to now, our bodies still haven't properly adjusted to the time difference and the completely different lifestyle - it's almost 8pm now and we're both already yawning (no wonder, we woke up before 7am...)! :)

Any exciting news in Switzerland? Let us know, we check our e-mails regularly (thanks, Trev! :))...
That's it for today, talk to you soon!
Corinna & Sabin :)


Anonymous Anonym said...

hey my dears! hope you're still well...yesterday i went on a shopping tour, too. but just in st.gallen! even i was almost as successfully as you two were, i think one can't compare, i mean NY and st.gallen =)=)=)=)
love you, kisses, isa


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