August 29, 2007

No quiero convertirme en un recuerdo

This is a line from a song we listened to in class and somehow it touched me… it means „I don’t want to turn into a memory“ – and with everybody leaving this last weekend and me leaving in only three days, it had a very special meaning for me. As always, when you spend a long time in some other country and get to know a lot of nice people from all over the world, at the end you tell everybody that you’re going to stay in touch and everything, that one day you’ll meet again, you exchange phone numbers and collect tons of e-mail addresses – but after all, how many people will you really ever see again? When I was in England, I still believed all of this, but now my experience has shown me that I haven’t seen any of these people again and there are only two I even talk to until today (about once a month or even less…).
So now here I am having a lot of fun with all these great people and as much as I wish it were different, I have to face the truth that I will most likely not meet most of them again – and all they will be to me and I to them will be a memory. A fantastic one, but still only a memory…

At least I know for sure that Salamanca will be more than a memory, I am so sure that I will come back here one day, this city has really enchanted me!!

Sorry for that slightly sad post, I just came back from another really nice evening with some of the people from school (I’ll post pix tomorrow or so…) and realized that I only have two more nights to spend here in Salamanca, which somehow was kind of a shock… Plus I only slept three hours last night which might explain a bit the strange mood I’m in (although I had a long siesta of two hours this afternoon)! ;)


Anonymous Anonym said...

i so situatione merkt mer denn was die richtige fründe sind! bis chli positiver! mit es paarne kasch guet kontakt bhalte!! ha ja au no voll kontakt mit es paarne vo america! au amix es paar mönet nüm aber glich no mega so, dass ich ihne alles verzelle könnt und si au wieder xeh wett! und mier sicher bi, dassi das au wieder wird!
aber ja, i froi mi au wenn du endli wieder da bisch!!! wirsch nemli es munzigsbizeli vermisst;-)


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