August 22, 2007

Pix of really nice people!!!

Today I'm just going to post some pictures of some of the many great people I've met so far!

These were three girls (one English, one Austrian and one German) that were here for only one week (my second) and with whom I had a looot of fun!!

These were the two people with whom I spent most of last week: David from Denmark and Stephanie from Holland! It's such a shame they left, school is really boring without them!!!

This was in Madrid - with Lisa, the girl from the UniZH, my flatmates Seo-Ah and Annika, Michele, a nice guy from Italy who lived in the other flat in our building and Ani, a Russian girl who we all came to like a lot!

And this was last week, going out in Salamanca, with Marine, a French girl from school, David, Ani and Ayu, Ani's Japanese flatmate.

I can't tell you how sad I am that most of these people have already left - and the few that are still here are leaving this Saturday! I guess next week will be rather booooring (as not to say "dauntingly and excruciatingly tedious"... ;))

can't wait to come back to Zürich to show you all the pictures and finally be able to meet all of you again!!!