März 20, 2006

First impressions of Cambridge city

As you can tell, I'm not at the party! ;)
The afternoon class was terribly boring but afterwards, one of the teachers took us to the city centre which was very interesting. There are so many beautiful colleges, I really wish I will be able to spend some time studying here... we'll see!
She showed us some of the "best" shopping streets, best restaurants, important bus stops and other useful stuff (most of which I won't remember the day I need it, there was just too much new information today!). The city centre is really nice, there are many really old buildings, a large pedestrian zone and everything is small and therefore the risk of getting lost is pretty small! :) Instead of going back to school with the teacher, one of my classmates, Olga, and I went back to the shopping street and bought an english SIM card for our mobile phones - I'll give you the new number via e-mail! This is going to make life much easier for me since I don't have to care about money when I have to call my host family and now that I know some other people here, we can arrange where and when to meet via short message.
Olga had promised her host family to have dinner with them tonight so she was not going to this party and after having heard that it is every monday anyway, I decided to stay at home tonight - I don't know if this is polite to go out on the first evening... and I know that we can go there every Monday, it's a party for all the language students who stay in Cambridge, not only from our school, so it's going to be a great opportunity to get to know other people! Looking forward to next Monday! ;)
What else is there to say? Tomorrow's going to be the first real school day in our exam class, today was more like organisation and stuff - I'm curious to know who of all the people I met today will be my real classmates for the next 3 months!

Now I should leave the computer, I'll continue tomorrow from school - I'll meet Olga in the morning, we walk to school together because we both don't have a bike yet... :)

P.S.: I really doubt if my decision to leave my winter jacket at home, was right - it's terribly cold here and when we got back from our city trip I felt frozen... the fact that my room here is like a fridge doesn't help much there...