April 21, 2006

Mock exams and Saturday Night Fever

Wow, another week is already over, I tell you, it is almost scary how fast the time is passing! Sometimes, I already think about what it will be like when we have to say goodbye to everyone here and I know that this is going to be tough as well... But we still have another 8 weeks to go, so no worries! ;)
Our teachers surprised us with exams this week (warnings one day in advance - but basically we couldn't prepare anything specifically for it, so...), giving us the chance to already experience the test situation for English in Use, Reading and Listening even before the "real" mock exams next week. We already have our results back and I'm really surprised at how well I did at everything - I would have already passed these three papers!!! :) I'm sooo glad about this, because it shows me that I don't have to worry or be nervous (of course I will be nervous in June, but at least not scared...) for the real CPE! Now it's just my ambition that keeps me studying even harder - sounds like a maniac now, but I really want to score a grade A! :) We'll see..
In the meantime, I have to make sure that I really get the chance to study English - I am more convinced than ever that this is the right thing for me to do, but with this change in the university system, I might not be able to combine it with the roman languages which makes it a tough decision for me... help! :) I just sent an e-mail to the Kanzlei of the UniZH, hopefully they can help me...

Today we are going to see Saturday Night Fever!!! Hooorray! I'm soooo looking forward to it! and afterwards (the show is at 5.30 - the British are weird, what kind of time is this???) we are going to have dinner in a Tapas place, that might be fun, too! I just have to be careful if they sell Sangria (Steffi, you know the possible consequences... ;))!
We don't have any big plans for the weekend, no interesting excursions this time, so we might just spend a lot of time in some coffeeshop or another, maybe revising some vocabulary or just talking... and I want to finish The DaVinci Code - this book is just soooo good!!! :)

Well, that's it for now, I wish you all a very nice weekend, enjoy the spring weather (it's nice in Switzerland, isn't it? It's even a little warmer here now!) - ou ja, and enjoy the Saechsiluete!!!!! God, that's really too bad that I miss that... :(