Mai 05, 2006

Have a nice weekend!

Hi again! Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer says hi again... :) No, I'm not mad and it's not suddenly Christmas again, but my mirror tells me that I bear a strong resemblance to Rudolph - my nose is sunburnt! ;) But I don't want to complain, on the contrary, I can't say how happy I am at the moment: the sun is shining brightly, we have temperatures above 20 degrees (yes!!!) and everyone is so cheerful! We sit outside during coffee and lunch break, spend more time in the city centre near the river (and less time at the computer) - and catch sun burns... ;) It's so weird, somehow no one was prepared for this sudden change of the weather and now you see people with miniskirts sitting next to people who still carry around their winter jackets and we try to get all our teachers to go outside with us... it's fun!
For the weekend, the weather forecast is terrible again, maybe we finally have the time to go to a museum - or else we sit in a Caffe Nero and work on some homework, we don't have any plans yet!

I'm off, want to sit in the sun - wish you all a very nice weekend, hope to hear from you all soon! :)


Anonymous Anonym said...

Woa z England schiint d sunna:) Lit wohl dra das z englischa Wetter grad bi üs Feria macht... Aber au miar händ schöns Wetter kah und sind in dr Sunna uf em Platz gläga und händ pennt... Miniskirts gseht ma (leider) nonit so oft ;) defür sind alli lüt echt huera guat ufgleit... okay fast alli :)
so jetzt ha i au mol wieder in dis Blog postet. mit a huufa rechtschribfehler und unverständlicher syntax :)

Blogger Sabin said...

Hey, merci villmal fuer de Comment! Han grad s'Freudeli gha! :)
Inzwuesche sind d'Miniskirts au wider verschwunde, mir hend euisi liebe Regewulche zrugg...
Miss ya!


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