April 26, 2006

Staying alive!

Hi.... sorry for not posting anything for such a long time... don't worry, neither the weekend nor the mocks have killed me - as they sang in the musical on Friday, I'm "Staying alive"! ;)
Unfortunately I don't have too much time right now to tell you all the details, but I'll make it short: Friday night was really cool! The musical was good fun - of course, it's different to see such a show in a "small" theatre, but still, there was some real good dancing, the music was cool (Bee Gees!!!) and after all, it had not even been expensive! :) Afterwards, Olga, Markus (another swiss guy who had been the only one interested in joining us for the musical! ;)) and I went to this Tapas place in the city centre and had a greeeeat dinner! We ordered way too much for the three of us but it was delicious and they had Sangria!!! :) The fact that Olga now calls me Gueggeli has got nothing to do with that, though... ;)
Saturday and Sunday were just lazy days, sitting in the city centre, doing homework with Olga, drinking too much coffee (as usual) - and Saturday night, we went out again! We are getting this routine... first, we went to the "Rat & Parrot", which has become our favourite pub somehow (although it absolutely wasn't the same without Pascal who was in London with a friend of his) and then we went on to Club Salsa. It was cool, as usual, but nothing special really...

Well, now I'm really exhausted, the Mock Exams have just almost killed me... Monday was terrible, we had Reading and Writing in the morning (no break between the two papers which take 2 hours each!!!) and Use of English in the afternoon - I almost fell off my chair!!! Yesterday morning was the Listening Test and although it was only 50 minutes, I was rather tired again - we didn't even go to the Salsa lessons on Monday... it's really bad....! My Speaking exam will be tomorrow, so wish me luck! :P

What else is there to say? It's already Wednesday again, unbelievable! And we have a long weekend ahead of us! :) And the best thing is: I'm going to London! And what's even better: My mum will be in London with me!!! And guess what: this is reeeeeally bad style of writing now! :P Just kidding...
I have to go to the Bus Station now to book my tickets (I'll take the coach to London on Friday afternoon, takes 2h to get there... and I'll come back on Tuesday evening some time...), I guess I won't be the only one who wants to go to London for the Bank Holiday weekend! At least, I don't have to worry about the return journey, it's just me who doesn't come back until Tuesday! :)
I hope I'll be able to get some pictures from my camera onto a computer over the weekend, I'll try my best!