April 27, 2006

Weekend plans

Wow, I almost survived this terrible week! Well, terrible just in terms of school, tests and that kind of stress, besides I still enjoy everything here! :) We just had the last test of the week in afternoon class (which is basically just a "Alibi-uebig", whatever that is in English... ;)).
Since I don't know if I have the time to post anything tomorrow, I'll just quickly outline my plans for the next few days: Tonight, we are going out for dinner because we won't see each other over the long weekend - we, that is to say, Olga, Pascal and me, and Olga's boyfriend who is visiting from Holland. I've never met him so that might be interesting!
Tomorrow morning we have our video shooting - don't worry, it's not Hollywood 2 in Cambridge! ;) No, they're making training videos for future CPE examiners for the oral exams and they need students to take part in "real" Speaking Exams which they can analyse afterwards. For us, it's just a great opportunity to practise and even get a feedback from experts. Of course I'm a little nervous especially because I hate to see myself on screen (that's even worse than hearing my own voice which I'm slowly getting used to as we have to tape ourselves regularly here in the language lab) - but at the same time, I'm really looking forward to it, I'm sure it's a very useful experience for us!
After this, we don't have to go back to school anymore so I guess we'll just have lunch somewhere in the city centre and then go home - I'll have to pack my suitcase, because.... I'm going to London! :) It's gonna be quite a long journey (2h couch and 50min tube) but I'm so looking forward to seeing our friends and be with people I know - I thought about it yesterday and realised that this is going to be the first time since 6 weeks that I see someone I've known before I came here.... weird...
On Saturday, my mum is coming to London as well which of course I'm looking forward to (like a little child to be honest! :)) and we are going to spend the next few days together in London before I return to Cambridge some time on Tuesday.
I guess I'll be able to access the internet at some point and maybe I can even post some of my real pictures, would be fun of course!

I wish you all a nice weekend and I would love to hear from you all - once again, I always enjoy reading comments... ;)