Mai 30, 2006

Post 50! And big news! :)

Wow! This moment changes my life, right now: I just clicked on "send" for my university application form online!!!! So actually, from now on, I'm a student! hooorray! :) It's such a great feeling to finally have this whole thing sorted out with choosing subjects and deciding what to do from October on - now there's no way back, I'm going to study English and comparative Roman linguistics (or whatever you may call that!:))! After several changes on the university website and total confusion for me, they now seem to offer this combination, which is perfect for me... we'll see!

Actually, there's so much to write about at the moment, but I'm sooo tired... Just to let you know: My weekend in London was great, with highlights such as Mme Tussauds (although I find it scandalous that there's no Matt Damon in wax... :) would have been great to take a picture with him!), a city trip on a Sightseeing Bus (sitting outside on the top of the bus - was really cool, also literally, we were freezing... :)), the musical "Les Miserables" (do you know the song "on my own"? Wow, that made me cry!!! It caught me completely off guard and I couldn't do anything against the tears that came to my eyes...)...

I can't believe this is already Post 50... wow! But on the other hand, that's not even that much, I mean, I've been here for 10 weeks now... I don't know! To every one who's still reading, thanks! :) I hope I'm not boring you to death with my always-the-same-stories...
We only have another 17 days here in Cambridge if I'm not mistaken, it's incredible how time is flying - on the one hand, of course, I can't wait to see you all again at home and I notice little things every day that I miss (real bread, cheese, milk, a clean bathroom, a warm bedroom, public transports - you know what I mean!:)), but at the same time I can't imagine life without Olga and Pascal anymore and I realise that it's going to be sooo hard to stay in touch with them - that really makes me panic! In a way, I just want to enjoy every minute here with them - but we're all bored and somehow fed up with school, so the mood is not always brilliant, it's really weird at the moment...

so now I really have to go, I hope I can make it home before the rain comes back... :P See you all very soon! :)