Mai 12, 2006

Hey! :)

This time really just a short post: The conversation exchange yesterday was great, really! This guy seems very nice, he's my age and studies German and English - I guess his standard German is better than mine, I realized that I had not used this for more than half a year and at the moment, even swiss German is weird to me, so...! But we had a lot of fun, he took me to King's College and we sat on one of the bridges there, it really felt like a fairy tale world - I can't imagine what it must be like to live there as a student, it's just amazing!
Now the sun is out again and we (Olga, Pascal and I) want to spend the afternoon in the park - I'm not going to waste my time at the computer now, so I wish you all a very nice weekend!
Talk to you again next week! :)


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hey, hey, hey
Whats going on overthere?
A guy, who seems to be very nice ... o la la ...
great time in good old England.
AND Swiss German starts to be weird to her ... o la la ... whats going on overthere?
I see - i see - fun - sun and still much to do?
A old lover from good old Europe.
Peter your ittög still in love with you ... o la la


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