Juni 01, 2006

2 weeks to go...

It's the final countdown... 2 weeks from today, we have our exams (the written ones, that is... the speaking and listening is already on the 10th)! Today, we had our last mock exams, I'm absolutely exhausted and I'm not very confident about the results because I was quite distracted today and my motivation is gone completely...! but from now on, we really intend to relax, not to study too hard - after all, we've already reached this level of English where there's not much to improve, right? if anyone wants to deny that... :p

no matter how tired we are, we are going out tonight, probably also tomorrow night and then it's already our second but last weekend in Cambridge! Pascal and Olga want to see "X-Men" in the cinema, so that doesn't leave me much of a choice for Saturday night... ;) After already making a fool of myself in any conversation with them when it came to movies and TV series, this will be even worse, I don't even know what the film is all about! :) But I'm going to join them, I almost have to! :) and of course, I want to, I wouldn't want to miss an evening with my two best friends here - this is a situation I hate, I know that the moment I'm back home and have all my friends there back, I have to leave something behind here that has become so important for me... But I'm not going to be all sentimental now, not here!

the weather forecast is not too bad for the weekend either (but who believes the forecasts? It was supposed to be warm and sunny today, but instead we arrived at school like drowned rats and have been freezing throughout the tests...), so perhaps we'll have the chance to enjoy another lazy afternoon in the park - I think we'd deserve it! :)