November 20, 2006

Too much... ;)

My teenage years are almost over: One more month to go! It's weird to think about turning twenty- somehow I'd always imagined people of that age to be all grown-up, serious, responsible - not exactly what I am like! ;) (thinking about it, however, I must say that there are plenty of people around me who are already 20 and none of them seems much older than me... ;) and I think it's good that way...).
All this reminds me a lot of Cambridge, when Olga used to say that she felt as if she had missed quite a lot while she was a teenager and that she wanted to make up for that loss during our time in England- which I think we did!!! :) (don't worry, Olg, I'm not going to post any pictures to illustrate this... ;))

The last few weeks have been rather crazy: So many new impressions, getting to know a lot of people, but also being confronted with a pressure I wasn't used to anymore... it's been a little more than I could take! And the most painful realisation was that suddenly, my free time is very much restricted again - as Corinna and I always joked about "what are we going to do when we start University, we're already all booked out with meeting friends, going shopping, going out, sleeping, doing sports etc..." - and that this little free time has to be well planned... I am getting the impression that there is not enough room in my life for all the things and all the people I want around me!!! And still, just now I seem to meet many people I haven't seen in quite a while and I realise that I would love to stay in touch with them: At a party I went to a couple of weeks ago, I ran into a girl who once went to school with me but whom I haven't seen in at least one year, but we had a great time again that evening! Last weekend I visited an old friend who had invited me to the premiere of his animated movie (see ) and I realised that I would love to see him more often... at university I've recently had some great conversations with people I had lost touch with a bit but who are suddenly a part of my life again.. it is all very confusing! My "old life" is coming back to me in several ways although I have changed and all the people around me have changed, but at the same time, there are so many new people I didn't now only one year ago - can anybody tell me how to keep track of what's going on around me??? ;) (Olga: "...and I say Hey,hey! What's going on????".... ;))

Okay, I guess I should stop before it gets even more confusing - it's late and I am still a hamster (had a wisdom tooth taken out recently...), not a good premise for literary masterpieces.... ;)