Januar 17, 2010

Soon half time!

Dear all!
Sorry for not writing in such a long time - as you know, I went back to Switzerland for more than two weeks over Christmas and New Year and only got back to Valencia a week ago. And to be perfectly honest, this is the first week here that I felt went past quickly- thank goodness!! :)
before I left Valencia on the 23rd of December, I was feeling pretty low, I hated the weather here, and the cold, and the fact that we didn't have heating in the flat and I was constantly freezing, and the whole life here... my birthday was rather bad, too - most of my friends here already left for their home countries before so I was more or less alone on that day- not even my flatmates were here -so you can imagine :( But then I startet packing my suitcase and the idea of going home made me so happy, I don't think you can imagine if you've never been away from all the people you love for such a long time!
Well... and to cut a long story short, the two and a half weeks at home were just wonderful! I met a lot of my friends and family, ate way too much (that's what happens when it's a) Christmas and b) you're either invited to dinner by all the people you want to meet or go out for dinner with them....;) ), spent a lot of time with my boyfriend and thanks to all of that, I managed to reassure myself that the world wouldn't change completely until next summer and that all these people will still be there when I come back... Another thing that helped me come back to Valencia with a somewhat more positive outlook was a calender I made with my mum (she felt that I needed something to look forward to, and she's so right!) in which we marked with colours when something is happening, like exams or visits from people. So this calendar is already rather full and everytime I look at it, I see that time will be passing so fast because I already have so many plans, and I can always look forward to a visit from someone in the near future.
So all in all I guess that, after surviving this first and not always easy third, I will be able to survive the rest - and if I'm not mistaken, we reach half time in two weeks! ;) The first semester at university is already over and right now I'm studying for my first exam, which takes place on Tuesday... so wish me luck and I'll talk to you all soon!!!