Januar 11, 2008

2007 - Highlights

without any chronological order and without any order of importance or preference, I'm just going to write about some things that I certainly will never forget about 2007...

- of course SALAMANCA! One of the most amazing experiences I've ever had! 6 weeks in some kind of parallel universe where all the annoying aspects of reality didn't matter, where it was all about enjoying life, meeting new people, getting to know Spain, its language, culture and nightlife...

- Prag: I never wrote about this in this blog - but a couple of weeks into 2007 I met an exchange student from Prag in a club in Zürich and well, we got along very well, to put it that way... unfortunately, he had to leave soon after, so I had to go Prag to visit him! ;) It was a great weekend, I went there with a friend of mine and her boyfriend - to put it short: both relationships ended short afterwards, but we enjoyed Prag, which is a beautiful city, and I must say, it was also a shocking but good experience for me personally! :)

- My birthday: my 21st birthday was the second but last day of the semester, which I found quite annoying at first - but it turned out to be great! The day before (Wednesday), a friend of mine,Dave, and I skipped 3 lessons of Spanish and went to Lucerne. He's from there, so he could show me all the nice places and things I absolutely had to see. We had a lot of fun, and it felt as if university was so far away although we had to go back to another lecture at 4 pm. But even that was good, because we got the results from the exams and we both passed, so we ended up sitting in a bar celebrating that for hours...
On my birthday, I did not have that much time to celebrate, but still I enjoyed it a lot: we had a 4 hour lunchbreak that day, so I went for lunch to a great Thai restaurant with Patrica, Dave and Tanja and afterwards we met up with Chrissie near university for a coffee - it was lazy, fun, delicious, and such a great feeling to be around some of the people who mean most to me!
Then finally, Friday came, semester was over, all exams written, and time for my birthday party!!! :) From 4 pm on, I had open house at home and most of my friends came over. All in all, there were about 25 people and the last ones left around 4 in the morning! ;)

I'm going to post some pictures and more highlights tomorrow or so....