März 27, 2008


Why do I always prefer posting something here to writing things for university? It's as if I needed some outlet for my writing but can't focus on some specific topic - so you see, I'd have about 4 assignments to work on, but rather let you know about my life! ;)
Yesterday night, I would have loved to have my laptop with me to post my thoughts, I was so in the mood for writing: I was on my way home from a friend's house where I'd spent the afternoon and evening and that way home turned out to be a "world trip", as we usually say in German - it took me almost 3 hours, because the connections were so bad! So I was standing alone at some train station in the middle of nowhere, then spent half an hour in a waiting room in a bigger station and finally spent one hour on the train towards Zürich. And all that time I realized how different the world looks at night - especially when you're travelling alone, you notice all these people, sounds, lights... there was a bunch of drunk teenagers sitting behind me, a girl on her mobile phone opposite me, snow was falling outside (yes, it's March, Easter is over, and Switzerland was covered with snow....!!!), suddenly the noise of every passing car seems much louder, you lose track of time... I love these moments, when I don't have to do anything, I am safe in my isolated bubble of anonymity, don't have to talk to anybody and am allowed to let my thoughts wander freely- it's when you're between two places, nowhere really, you've left one place but have not arrived at the other: in literary criticism, they call these places Heterotopias, some kind of anti-space, which is within reality but somehow outside of it... whatever!
But let's leave philosophy (maybe blame it on my tiredness, it's already 10.30 pm) aside, I guess you'll want to know how my tutorials are going so far! I would say everything's fine, I was surprised in the first lesson when there were 15 people, but I've gotten used to it and am beginning to really enjoy the experience. Although: there is one guy whom I'll kick out of the group if he goes on like this- he lived in England during 7 years (turned out it was the first 7 years of his life, so it's of no use to him except for showing off...!!!) and therefore thinks he can correct me in every second sentence, which makes me look like an idiot in the eyes of his classmates!!! But apart from this one, they are all very nice and although initially very shy and reluctant, they are now contributing rather well... I'm just surprised how our university seems to have changed their ideology: last year when we were doing that course, they just flunked anyone whose English was not good enough, but now they seem to try everything to keep all of them in: they offer tutorials so they can get help, they are correcting much less severely (I've seen their pieces of writing and they are mostly awful!!!) - but after all, I should not complain, I wouldn't have my job otherwise! ;)
Now I have to go offline and record the next episode of "24" for my Mum who's out for dinner... :)

März 01, 2008


Big news: I've got a job - and even greater: I can work for our university!!! One of our professors contacted me and five others a few weeks ago and asked whether we'd be interested in taking on tutorials for first-year students and now everything's set and I'll have my first class on Monday! I am so nervous, so far I've always just had one student, giving private lessons and helping them through high school and now suddenly I have a whole bunch of them and have to help them do their writing assignements for the Cultural Studies lectures- and correct their assignments afterwards!!! But despite all the nervousness, I'm totally excited, I mean, it's a great experience and the best that could happen to me in respect to my future as a teacher - and it is a special case here, normally the tutors are only one or two semesters away from graduation, but now we're only one year ahead of our pupils, which makes it strange.. but they didn't have a choice, we're the first ones in the new system, so no one older than us knows how it goes! ;)
Well, I'll let you know how it went as soon as possible, now I have to read through the reader they have to summarize for next week...