März 21, 2006

First real school day

So here I am again, sitting in the language lab at school (which can be used as a computer room with open internet access)...
Today was my first real school day here at the Embassy CES. Since I don't have a bike yet, I had to walk to school. Actually I wanted to meet Olga, so I was at our meeting point at 8 in the morning but she wasn't. So this was the first opportunity to use our english SIMcard... she had gotten lost on her way... After waiting for some more time I decided to walk on because I was still very far away. I walked very fast and still it took me almost another 30minutes to get there - after this hour out there in the cold, I was sooo happy to get inside the classroom! :)
In the morning we had the first 4 exam preparation lessons which were very interesting. My classmates are very nice, there are two other swiss people (one from Bern and one from Lugano), two Germans, two Dutch and one Turkish woman. They're all between 18 and 25 years old and I get along quite well with all of those I've spoken to so far. The proficiency teachers are both women who love languages, one of them was the one who interviewed us yesterday (was it only yesterday??? I have the impression of having been here for a long time already!). The course is going to be quite tough, judging from the amount of homework we already got today (actually, Olga and I are here in this room to do homework right now, but the internet has a terrible temptation! ;)) but I'm glad the level is that high.
The afternoon class was again rather boring, if I'm not completely mistaken, the book the teacher used was the Headway upper intermediate, my fellow HoPro-students will know what I mean to say by this! :)
There's no "social activity" today, so I'll just stay here now, get some homework done and then walk home again because we are going to look for a second hand bike tomorrow.
Tomorrow night, there's a club night in the city centre where they have all kinds of world music, especially latin, salsa etc - we just got the flyers to get reduction on the entrance fee! :)

Well, that's about it for today, I'm looking forward to hearing from you all!


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Sabin!
OK, I’m trying to write something in your blog =) you will see, that my English isn’t very good.. (und d Ziita kann I gad au nit richtig setza..) but I hope, you can understand it and so you have something to laugh about ;)
This blog is a really good idea and it’s interesting to read, what is happening to you!
I hope you have a good time in Cambridge and you enjoy it. And I hope also, you will learn something (miar würs sicher au guat tua, mit dem Englisch =) )!
Well, that’s just a short comment, but I don’t know what I should write and now I have to learn a bit geography (or geographic?)!
I hope we can see/write us soon J
Machs guat and don’t forget us =)
All the best, Monica

Ps. Maybe you can take some photographs, to show us! (Also from your little Bedroom) ;)
Pps. I han di gwarnt, dass mis Englisch „terrible“ isch =)


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