Juni 08, 2006


don't worry, the sun hasn't burnt my brain completely, I can still count the days - and I know it's only 9 days to go.. shock!
Today was the last real school day with lessons, tomorrow we're going to Granchester with our teachers, a little place outside Cambridge with beautiful gardens (according to what they said - I'll tell you if it's true!;)) where we are going to have real English tea with scones and everything! And that's it then... I can't believe my time here at Embassy is over! I know I'm going to miss everything about it so much - when we walked out of the classroom today, Olga said something and then she started singing a song with exactly her sentence in the lyrics and I couldn't believe it because I was just about to start humming exactly the same tune! This just shows how close we've got and how hard it's going to be to say goodbye, not to be able to send useless text messages to each other any more just because they are for free, chat on the way to school, spend lunch breaks together... but for the moment, I'm trying not to think of that!

We're going to the city centre now to buy Ice Cream and two thank-you-cards for the teachers for tomorrow - and to enjoy the sunshine!