Juni 06, 2006

Sunshine!!!! :)

Hi again! Sorry, guys, I've been rather lazy with writing over the last few days... but who wouldn't if they had the choice between lying in the sun and sitting in computer room??? ;) There, I've already given it away: it's summer over here!!! Can you believe it? Somehow we just skipped spring and went straight into summer - or what do you call days of bright sunshine with about 25 degrees, no clouds to be seen anywhere, people lying in the park...? Jealous? I'm sorry! But I think I really have the right to tell you since it's been the other way round for almost 3 months now! ;)

But seriously, what have I been up to? well, the last weekend (or rather the end of the last week) has been almost too much: After the mocks on Thursday, Olga and I went out that evening, first to "our" bar, the Filling Station for a drink - where we were first thought to be Americans but after we told the barkeepers that we're Dutch and Swiss, the one guy told me that I looked rather like Mexican or something... :) - and then on to one of the students' nightclubs, Ballare. Unlike other students who go there about 3 times a week, this was only the second time we'd been there, but it was quite fun. We met some people from school and especially because one of them was completely drunk, we had a good laugh.
By the time I got to bed, it was at least 2.30, so you can imagine how tired I was the next morning at school (after getting up at 7.15...) - but I even managed to to the listening part of the Mock, even quite successfully, we were so proud because we were only three people in class, the rest didn't turn up due to hangovers... :)
Not very surprisingly, we gave up our plans of going out again on Friday night, at least not to a club... instead we decided to go for "dinner+" with Pascal whom we'd met in the afternoon in the "office". We even managed to convince him to join us for Tapas in "La Tasca"... :) After dinner including Sangria, we went on to the Filling Station where we had a drink - Olga was sooo funny, although she denied it she seemed to be a little tipsy (she's going to kill me when she reads that, I know it... :))... anyway, we had sooo much fun! One of the topics we had was a "psychology test" we had done that morning at school, which was quite interesting - I'm going to post it afterwards so that everyone will get an insight into their psyche... ;)
As usual, we walked home afterwards, so it was 1 am again before I got to bed - consequently, Saturday was just all lazy, lying in Parker's Piece, literally doing nothing (Olga and I had brought some books for revision but didn't even take them out of our bags... :))...
For the evening, we had made a reservation in an Italian restaurant called "Pizza Express" for 8pm and despite the name, it was a very nice restaurant with excellent food (especially the dessert was heavenly...:)). After dinner, we went back to the Filling Station (don't wanna know what they think of us there, coming back three evenings in a row...) to kill some time because we'd booked the cinema tickets for 11.30. Sitting there with our drinks, all three of us regretted this decision as we were almost falling asleep... :) We saw "X-Men" which, as I'd expected, was not exactly my cup of tea, but it was alright... after the movie, Pascal asked me what I thought of it and I said something like "I'm still trying to figure out what that and that's supposed to mean..." and he just laughed out loud and said he should have written it down before because this was exactly the answer he'd expected from me... :P sometimes it's almost scary how he seems to be reading my mind! ;) By then, it was 1.30 and the way home from the cinema was quite far - unlike last time, we did find our way, but it was still 3 o'clock when I went into my room (having noticed that it was already getting light again while I was still talking to Pascal outside the house...). Therefore, Sunday was even lazier than Saturday and the weather and Parker's Piece were just great...

So now we're in our last week at school, this really is a strange thought... But most of the teachers are rather easy-going and sit outside with us now, doing some revision but also plan some last activities such as a farewell drink etc...
Tonight we're going to the Pub Quiz one last time, which I'm really looking forward to!

I'll continue tomorrow (or the day after...:)), right now I want to enjoy some more moments out there in the sun...

P.S.: If this post sounds a little crazy, it could be that I have something close to a heatstroke...! ;)