Juni 08, 2006

The final countdown: 10...

Actually I wanted to post this yesterday: this time it really is the final countdown, from yesterday on another 10 days to go...
Still bright sunshine, all of us as suntanned as never before, none of us in the mood for revision - I guess you get the picture, right? ;) Already now (not even 9 o'clock in the morning) it's almost too warm to do anything, cycling seems to make me melt - the girl with the five jackets isn't wearing anything more than a short sleeved t-shirt! :)
But we're not complaining of course - if it weren't for the exams, we'd all be lying in the garden all day long!
Have a nice day! :)


Anonymous Anonym said...

ciao sabinchen
also bi ois ischs au voooll geils wätter. bin gester dä ganz tag ufem balkon ghocket und han gläse. wow, isch scho ewig lang nüm vorcho. also ich mein jez beides, bi schönem wätter dussehocke wie au läse! =)
10 täg...also eigetli nur no 9...geil!!!
love you, bis bald im msn (oder vilicht no es letschts mal am telefon?!) kiss isa

Blogger Sabin said...

Hey mini Lieb!

Das toent ja guet, freu mi, dass es i de Schwiz au schoen worde isch - jetz mues es nur no so blibe bis in 10 Tag! ;)
Kei Gewaehr meh fuer MSN ab jetz, well mer ja nueme i de Schuel sind, aber ich wird s'Moeglichste probiere... halt di uf em Laufende!

big kiss! :)


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