Dezember 28, 2006

Some thoughts at the end of this year...

It's just a thought, only a thought... :

- "don't be sad because it's over - be happy because it happened!"

- "Don't go where the path may lead - go instead where there is no path and leave a trail!" (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

- "never let today's disappointments cast a shadow on tommorow's dreams!"

I wish you all a very happy new year, enjoy it -
may your (2)007 give you "the licence to smile"!!!! :)

Dezember 27, 2006

Last but not least: Top “guys” (definitely more than 5…. and not to be taken seriously…)

  1. Crrrrispus Bulfinch :)
  2. Mr. “yes, come on!!” (Volleynight, Zürich…)
  3. my once and forever favourite: Matt Damon (mentioned a thousand times…)
  4. Bright Abbott from Everwood (tough competition for Matt Damon…;))
  5. Alan the punting guy…
  6. Pink Panther (Parker’s Piece, Cambridge)
  7. our English phonetics professor (pipe-smoking grandpa or hardrock harley-driver?)
  8. (and non-competitive, playing in a different league… : ) several men who have played an important part in “real life” this year…

Top 8 “songs”

  1. Lovebugs, "Avalon"
  2. Maná, “Labios compartidos”
  3. Gnarls Barkley, “Crazy”
  4. Kelly Clarkson, "Breakaway"
  5. Katie Melua, “The closest thing to crazy”
  6. Shakira, “Hips don’t lie”
  7. City to city, "The road ahead"
  8. Black Eyed Peas, “Mas que nada”
and many more, of course...

Post 100!!!!

Oh my goodness (gUdness, Maya! ;)), this is already post 100... seems appropriate to reach this number at the end of the year, but still I'm surprised! Thanks to everyone who's still reading! 99 posts ago, I was sitting in an office room, bored to death, but looking forward to the big adventure England - feels like ages ago... but here we go, I'm ready for the next 100 posts! ;) stay tuned... :P

Top 5 “movies I’ve seen this year” (not necessarily new movies…)

impressive, interesting, fascinating, funny - this year, I've seen so many movies that I liked in some way or another that this list was almost impossible to compile...

  1. Matchpoint
  2. Before sunrise
  3. The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
  4. Step up!
  5. Ice Age 2 ( I believe I can fly….!!!!!)

Top 5 “most beautiful places”

Thanks to those who took me to these places... this is where I spent some of the most amazing moments of this year!!!

  1. Top of the Empire State Building, New York
  2. Red Tower Bar, Winterthur
  3. Top of the Tower of Oxford, Oxford
  4. Parker’s Piece, Cambridge
  5. The bridge in King’s College, Cambridge

Top 5 “most hilarious moments”

So here's the first list... These are some of the moments I'll definitely never forget - some of them are familiar to readers of this blog... and I must say, this list might not be finished - after all, we still have 3 days left of this year and according to my plans, there might well be some more hilarious moments... we'll see!

  1. Ride on a “freakin’ six-seated rikshaw” with Crispus, Fiona and Wulfie, Times Square, NY
  2. “hey, bird!”, Brighton
  3. “No, we’re not drunk…!!!”, Jelmer’s party, Cambridge
  4. Pascal’s tarot card future prediction in the “office”, Cambridge
  5. Soy Juice or Moo cow F*** milk?

Survived Christmas!!! :)

Welcome back to this blog – yes, I’m still alive... it’s just that the title a gave to my last post seemed to predict what life had in store for me for the last weeks of this year: a bit too much! Especially the last two weeks were simply crazy! As my grandmother, grandfather and myself were born just a few days before Christmas, December is always sheer madness in our family and we hardly have time to relax between the various parties, dinners and Christmas get-togethers… Unfortunately, university was quite stressful as well, which was the reason for several (almost) sleepless nights- but it was worth it all! We’ve handed in our first papers at university, have even received some feedback and are pretty proud of ourselves, all our hard work seems not to have been in vain! J But hey, now it’s all over for a moment, and except for some extra weight from all the dinners we have survived the Christmas stress unharmed… ;)

Well, and now I’m a “twen”… still feels strange to think about it… but I had a nice little party the Saturday before my birthday, most of my friends came over to our house and celebrated with me, it was a lot of fun, very relaxed but great. I enjoyed having all these people around me and more than ever, I felt that I have a group of people I can really rely on no matter what happens and I am so thankful for having them in my life!

Hmm… 2006 is almost over- what can I say? It was an amazing year, so rich in experiences, so tough, so great, so successful, but also emotional, difficult, challenging, at times a little overwhelming – those who were involved know how I felt and to everyone else, all I can say is that my life was a roller coaster ride in the past 12 months!

Every newspaper is publishing Top 5 lists for everything at the moment, so I thought why not join this trend and also add some of my lists… the next posts will be some kind of summary of what happened in this year – without many comments, most key words will only be fun for “insiders”…. so here we go, this was my 2006!