Juni 16, 2006



Wow... so this is the day we had all been working for... it was so strange to get up in the morning and to realise that everything I've done in the past three month actually just leads to that day - the day of the exams and the day when we have to say goodbye to all our classmates!
I'm not going to give you the details of the exam, let's say, I'm just glad that it's over! I have no idea if I stand even the slightest chance of getting my Grade A, but we'll see - the results will be published online on the 4th of August....

After the exam we met our teacher Barbara in the Regal, the biggest pub in the UK (which is in Cambridge and I've never been there before!) for a drink. It was nice to sit together with our classmates and Barbara again, but when it came to saying goodbye, it was more than weird... I don't know, somehow I didn't realise consciously that it was really goodbye, maybe forever... of course everyone says that we'll stay in touch via e-mail and everything, but except for Olga and Pascal I don't know if I see the others ever again! :(

the evening was the last evening for the three of us: Olga's parents had come over from Holland and they wanted to get to know Pascal and me and invited us for dinner. We went back to the "big Buddha" where we enjoyed another delicious dinner and had a lot of fun. Olga's parents are extremely nice and I'd love to follow their invitation to visit them all in Holland soon! :) After dinner, we had to continue the typical course of an evening out by going to the Filling Station - when we walked out there, I really almost cried - this place had become such a fix spot in our lives and it was strange to know that this was the last time... :(
We walked home as usual and agreed to meet again today to bring our bikes back and have a last coffee in the office.